How to convert from Spouse Sponsored KITAS to KITAP

These are the documents and paperwork required to convert a Spouse Sponsored KITAS to a Spouse Sponsored KITAP.

  1. Perdim
  2. Surat Pernyataan & Jaminan dari istri/suami WNI
  3. Surat Permohonan Konversi dari istri/suami WNI
  4. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
  5. KTP Sponsor berlaku (Bali)
  6. SKTT (Surat Keteranganan Tempat Tinggal) dari DukCapil
  7. KK Sponsor
  8. Akte Nikah dari catatan sipil
  9. Lapor Nikah/surat ket. bebas menikah dari konsultat
  10. Akte Nikah Asing (jika menikah di luar Indonesia dan melampirkan surat lapor pernikahannya di catatan sipil)
  11. Paspor asli + fotokopi paspor + visa WNA
  12. Foto 2×3, 3×4, 4×6: @ 2 lembar (latar merah)
  • Status KTP + KK sponsor adalah “KAWIN”
  • Wilayah kerja Kantor Imigrasi Denpasar: Kota Denpasar, Kab. Gianyar, Kab. Klungkung, Kab. Tabanan, Kab. Bangli
  • Pengajuan ALIH STATUS diajukan paling cepat 3 bulan sebelum habis masa berlaku.


  • You will need 3 duty stamps to put on the documentation (Materai Rp 6,000).
  • All documents have to be completed with a black colour ballpoint.
  • Bring copies as well as the originals of the KK, SKTT, KTP. Your passport will have to stay at the immigration office during the duration of the conversion.

After submitting all documents there will be a waiting period of 2 weeks after which the immigration department will visit your house for a survey.

2 thoughts on “How to convert from Spouse Sponsored KITAS to KITAP”

  1. Has anyone completed itas to itap online, time to process indicates 14 days seems like only a couple of entries online, I previously had hard time processing KITAS in the specified time but that was done in seven days, interested to hear others experience

    I had submitted the online application but no notification of that it had been received

    • When I did my paperwork I also did not receive an email initially. I went to the immigration office and they managed to find back my application in the system. I think they have issues with their spam settings and they told me it is best to use a Gmail account. I hope it works out for you.


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